Monday, August 10, 2009

First Day of New School Year

The first day of a new school year is usually a nerve-wracking time for many teachers. We wonder: what will my students be like? Will have have any hard to handle students? Are all of my papers copied? What activities should I do with my students? ...etc.

I was definitely still feeling like this on Friday, the last day of preplanning. So, I made the decision to go in on Sunday (something I've never done before!) to make sure I had my ducks in a row for that crucial day. I had 2 less days of preplanning this year because teachers in GA were furloughed for three days. My other furlough day will occur in October some time. I thought I'd be able to get everything done in the few days that we did have for preplanning, but I was wrong. Those two other days really make a difference. So, I spent two and a half hours in my classroom trailer on Sunday, printing rosters, checking IEP's, planning organized activities, and writing up a lesson plan.

My lesson plan is what really saved me. I used a template from the the SIOP model, and planned my day using components of SIOP. Taking time to plan carefully and precisely helped me make use of every minute of the class period--from bell to bell. I really like this! I am going to plan all of my lessons (for all 3 preps) in the SOIP lesson plans to make sure I keep my students focused, give them ample time for practice, and give them opportunities for interaction in each lesson.

As soon as I left my trailer, I felt relieved and excited for the first day! I've never felt that before, and it is such a great thrill!

All of the students responded will to the organization of the class. Having the time increments on the board next to each task really helped me stay on track, too! I wrote the following on the board:
1. Welcome and Introduction (5)
2. Syllabus (5)
3. Personality Type Activity (25)
4. Summer Reading Sign Up
5. Learning Type Activity (15)
6. Wrap-Up (5)

I stayed on track in each period, and so did the kids. I know that some of it has to do with the fact that it was the first day, and everyone was on their best behavior. However, I am hoping that it will continue to pay off if I put so much time into preparing for each class.

One thing: Today, I used the same plan for all classes. I technically have 3 preps: SOPH CP LA (collab), SOPH CP LA (ESOL/Sheltered), and LDC IV (ESOL). I know it will take longer to plan 3 preps with the SIOP lesson plan, but we'll see if it is worth it. I'm willing to give it a try!

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