- Read and highlight articles (since most of read better from paper than a computer screen.)
- Make last-minute additions to note cards
- Begin filling in essay outline template
I understand, for ESOL students, it is difficult to read 5-10 pages of information on a topic that you're only just beginning to undestand. However, many of the students spent a lot of their time chatting. Some of them were actually talking about the research, but most of the conversations were off topic. The majority of students were doing what they were supposed to be doing. Those who were talking off topic, though, really grated on my nerves. I did my best to remind them that tomorrow is a checkpoint day: their notecards and highlighted articles are due. If they are missing something...I'm sorry. You get the grade that your efforts deserve. Some of the students did start on their outlines, and that is great!
During my LDC IV class, I introduced the concept of a chunk paragraph. Basically, you respond to a topic with one paragraph containing a topic sentence, concrete detail, commentary, and a concluding sentence. It's a body paragraph, really. However, it gives the assignment more focus, so the students have the opportunity to practice adding more details in their paragraphs. They are going to write a chunk a week...every Tuesday is writing day for them anyway. So, we'll write a chunk that is somehow related to our reading on the previous Monday.
Everyone seemed really tired today. I felt worn down. The kids had very little focus. I think it has something to do with the weather cooling down a bit. I hope things don't feel so chaotic tomorrow.
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